Diving in and Out

Day 24 of ? of meditation & blogging!

14 minutes 50 seconds


I woke after a full nights sleep. I started my coffee brewing and sat out side on the back porch for a cigarette.

The Sun was bright and the trees and their branches were still in the still and deceivingly cool air of morning against the clear blue sky. It was quiet out this early in the day as was I. I savored it all for a few moments as I finished my cigarette and went inside to pour and doctor my coffee as appropriate and ready a cup of ice water. I spent a few moments messing about online, still feeling a mental and emotional calm that was an advertisement for mornings or perhaps a good nights sleep. I synced up my timer and music and closed my eyes. I began my mindfulness practice.

I focused on the music almost immediately and felt myself once more, near that place inside me of stillness and silence and peace. As I tried to establish my breath thoughts came bubbling up and were noted and let go as I slowly found the rhythm of my breaths. Thoughts began to lap up against me, sometimes washing over me in great waves of distraction, at others just lapping at the edges of my mind. Noting them or gently shooing them away with my repeated charm of “It is what it is” I began to find my breath’s path through my body. The imagery of being like a boulder at the oceans shore came to mind, and after a few moments of appreciating the metaphor for mindfulness practice, I tried to let it go with gratitude and grace because “it is what it is”. Time also was what it was flowing neither quickly nor slowly as, again, the chiming tone of the timer came and was silenced. I stayed at the shores of my inner peace for a while longer and then began the rest of my day.

Bliss & Blessed Be,
Pax / Geoffrey

So what do you think?! Opinions? Ideas? Beuller... Bueller?!