Small Things & thoughts on the art of the blog


Sipping some coffee and savoring some quiet before the tumult of a busy day at work I take a moment to splash some Florida Water into the offering cups. A brief moment before the window-sill altar breathing in the perfume scent and seeking some small comfort with a moments connection with the Holy Powers. A micro-dose of magick and ritual.

These tiny magicks, snippets of ritual, they are the building blocks of greater things. At the same time they are also worthy and worthwhile practices all on their own. Bit by bit, rung by rung, we ascend or descend into our higher or deeper selves and through the layers of Creation. I think it can be very easy, sometimes, to forget the value of the smaller puzzle pieces in the art of Magick. Especially when we are starting out or renewing our practices or working to reclaim our path. It is the same with reclaiming any practice we have let slip away in the mad rush of days that life can sometimes be.

In the afterglow of the golden moment I opened todays post with I felt the urge to write *something*, to post *something*

In my spiritual practices I have been using smaller simpler practices for a while now, even as I wrapped myself in needless worry and shame at not managing a larger monthly practice or ritual.

Similarly, in my writing I have been struggling to write larger essays and posts on topics I find myself drawn to, only to find myself struggling to write coherently about what is on my mind and to leave the work for some theoretical later, allowing this place to lay fallow for long periods of time. Alternately, I will jump from media form to media form; my ADHD blessed hummingbird of a brain seeking the nectar of dopamine in some new thing only to find myself as creatively blocked in the new medium as I was in the old. The answer of course is smaller and simpler exercises on a more regular basis. Journaling can work for a while for me, but it can be a tricky practice to maintain for me.

As I have been flailing around splashing bits of effort and creativity here and there, I have also been looking to my creative past. When I started this blog, I was posting daily or nearly daily sometimes. Not every post was some essay length piece of brilliance. Even some of the essay length ones from back in the day look so much clunkier to me now, but part of that was the creative flow and enthusiasm of the inspiration to posting pipeline. Sometimes one does need the safety valves of proof reading and editing, a practice I did not always engage in back in the day. At the same time though…

At the same time part of the art of the blog, as with any other regular and sustaining practice, is that sometimes we do not have a lot to say. Not every post, or bit of magick, or ritual, needs to be an essay length masterpiece. Sometimes in our writing as in our relationships with Spirit we ramble, sometimes we are briefly checking in, sometimes we are being reminded of something by Spirit or Higher Self that we need to recall, and sometimes without realizing it we are faffing about! Yet we do not get to the destination of a masterpiece, to a Great Work (or Working), without these smaller steps.

Bit by bit, rung by rung.

Bliss, and Blessed Be!
Pax / Geoffrey

So what do you think?! Opinions? Ideas? Beuller... Bueller?!