Coffee and Rekindling ep. 1

(the terminally online edition)


After I woke up this morning, somehow before my alarm, I brewed some coffee and filled the water bottle. I sat down at my computer table and opened YouTube and meditated to the current meditation music video once more. Around 12 minutes this time… give or take some mental faffing about at the beginning and end.

I had closed my eyes but the thoughts just kept bubbling up like a fountain, or perhaps a pipe leak? There was also some fussing about with enough coffee and water to quiet those cravings and settle in. A lot of thoughts and ideas, perhaps some really good ones, percolating through my brain before I was able to still my mind for a bit and focus on breath. Today I found it useful when the thoughts were popping up and refusing to drift off but rather swarming around me like moths to a flame, I switched my steady even breathing for a few counted breaths and holds before resuming a steady even breathing with my focus renewed on breath rather than the now MUCH more better behaving thoughts that left me like balloons drifting away on the breeze.

From there, I refilled coffee and dug out and cracked open my written journal, placing a few notes in there and jotting down the shinier of the ideas that had presented themselves early in the session. A relatively short entry but short notes focused entries are a beginning and I can build from there as I am willing and able. I am trying to take this return to writing and creativity and my personal journey with a step by step, rung by rung approach rather than some huge leap or dive that have so often in the past left me flailing about and burning out. We are trying to rekindle ourselves after all!

I then took a bit of a break from an otherwise very mental health oriented morning to review the latest headlines on the Reuters App and over on The Wild Hunt (there is still much awfulness in the world but there are also spots of hope) before going through a few of my favorite creators links. I checked out Thumper’s most recent posting over at Fivefold Law on Patheos Pagan. I also perused T. Thorn Coyle’s site and discovered that her Keep Breathing email newsletter is also available for reading online! Honestly a better option for me sometimes as I am more likely to be able to go back and reconsider/reexamine what she has written. Her writings often resonate with and inspire me. Her recent pivot towards writings and posts centered on creativity are of particular interest at the moment. I am still mentally and emotionally digesting her most recent piece

Then I checked out The Witch of Wonderlust’s Portland escapade from late last year. I have long enjoyed her content and with all the YouTube’s I am subscribed to it has been rather silly of me not to fold the more Witchy and spiritual ones into the mix of my spiritual journey especially given the recent pivot to watching Youtube for comfort viewing. I then slid over to T. Thorn Coyle’s channel to check out her video on Soul Alignment… but I will have to revisit that another morning as today’s delightful morning has passed faster than I thought possible and it is time for me to get cleaned up and head in to work!

What is touching your mind and heart? What is comforting your spirit? What is kindling or rekindling your soul or spiritual journey or magick?

Bliss and Blessed Be,
Pax / Geoffrey

So what do you think?! Opinions? Ideas? Beuller... Bueller?!