Notes on the Journey 04/16/11

Dear Friends,

So I have been busy lately.

There was my work with the District Assembly at the 1st Unitarian Church Orlando – including planning the catering meal program and evaluating the Church Campus for meal prep and service and helping supervise the fabulous volunteers for the 2 dinners, then there was crafting the announcement of this years International Pagan Values Blogging and Podcasting Month, I have a few interviews and stories brewing for the PNC Florida Bureau, and I am outlining notes for a book on Meditation, I am in the process of moving in with The Fabulous Jonathan, and juggling all of the above with my work schedule and my regular Spiritual Practices and Religious devotions and activities.

So yeah, busy.

So with all of the above going on, I am also wrestling with my blessing of ADHD.  I call  it a blessing because it is something I have to work with, over, around, and through; and that effort and challenge has been a learning and growth experience – it is still, however, also a difficulty sometimes…  Like now, when I have a lot of things calling to me to do and participate in and that I need to take care of… We ADHD blessed folks can have a tendency to over commit ourselves and then lose track of things, so I am doing my best to keep a healthy balance.

I keep trying to approach my Practices, and am STILL having trouble settling into a meditation practice… which is strange because when I do stop and force myself to meditate I find in myself in a deeply calm and able to face anything.  I have been thinking about this resistance of mine a lot lately.  It seems to me that this resistance is, at its root, that deeply ingrained suspicion with happiness that I have wrestled with for years, the legacy of a very emotionally difficult childhood in my beloved yet dysfunctional family.

So I breathe, and light the candles on the altar, and pray, and make offerings, and go to Church at the U.U. …

The journey continues as does the learning..

May your own  journey be blessed!



2 thoughts on “Notes on the Journey 04/16/11

  1. credencedawg

    hey Pax,

    you are amazingly productive, so give yourself some good care amongst the work :0) There are times when I have to remind myself to “just breathe”, and let go and be carried. Don’t worry if you drop one of the balls you are juggling occasionally, that’s just life’s way of reminding ourselves that nothing can ever be all down to us :0)

    You know, if you are right on the “suspicion with happiness” thing, maybe you can craft a personal spiritual practice around welcoming and trusting happiness in your life.

    Happy moving in!


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