There is no knowledge that is not power

(or) Learning and the Quest for Wisdom as Pagan Values If the Abrahamic Faiths are the Religions of the Book, then the Pagan Faiths must be Religions of the Library... ~An old, old joke about Paganism It is not just that in order to become a Pagan many of us have had to amass, and/or …

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The Ethical and Virtuous Witch

Dear Pagani, I am a Witch, of the type popularly called Wiccan.  In my case this means religious and British Traditional Witchcraft inspired Neo-Pagan Religious Witchcraft.  I came to this path, and later fell off of it for a while, nearly 17 years ago. This essay is my attempt to discuss the core values, ethics, …

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Discussion of my recent Beltane post…

So the ever fabulous Tracy the Red posted a reply to my recent Beltaine related post.   I should like to share it and my reply, with you my dear readers and encourage more discussion on this, here, and on the Pagan Community Builders list, and elsewhere in the community. Anyway Tracie posted this to my …

Continue reading Discussion of my recent Beltane post…

“What Now?” ~ Pagan Community Builders

So Darkly Fey, from Live from the Red Leather Couch and I had some fabulous back and forth conversations recently via e-mail about Paganism and Pagan community.  We decided to share with the Pagan Community Builder's Yahoo.  This stirred up a little bit of discussion, and some really cool questions...  This encouraged me to engage …

Continue reading “What Now?” ~ Pagan Community Builders

Everything is Magic!!! Everything is Holy!!!

...or magick, if you prefer. I am writing this as a reaction to Hecate's post regarding some comments she's gotten on the fabulous Calendar post of hers.  There is also a fantastic Elemental Castings podcast where T. Thorne Coyle interviews Jason Pitz-Waters... that touches on this and is inspiring me to rant. While this may …

Continue reading Everything is Magic!!! Everything is Holy!!!

“maybe I’m some sort of idealist…”

I said.  To which The Big Guy looked at me bemusedly and responded "Yes, you are." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am wrestling with how to respond to some stuff in the news lately.  There are a lot of incidents of Mormons and other supporters of the Yes on 8 campaign being harassed either by anonymous pranks or …

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Freedom of Religion?

Ok, folks time to get busy!!! A mother has been denied custody of her child because of the mere perception that she is a Wiccan! The lady in question may or may not be Wiccan( or a Witch, or a Pagan for that matter), but the mere perception that she might be has caused …

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Reacting (more constructively) to the Election and Anti-GLBT votes…

I am a Patriot, an Idealist, and a Witch.  I find myself overflowing with hope in the promise of America.  Optimism that through the efforts of committed hardworking people the world can be changed.   Barrack Obama's election proves that.  There were volunteers in all 50 states canvassing and calling and working day in and day …

Continue reading Reacting (more constructively) to the Election and Anti-GLBT votes…